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"We provide segmented visibility through digital advertising" 

Our specializations are Google and Native advertising

01 Objective

 What is your objective? This is very important to determine which approach we are going to use. With the proper integration, the strategy falls within predetermined target groups.

02 Possibilities

Leads en sales.
Volume range.
It is linked to Google and or Native advertising.
We take care of both national and international campaigns.

03 Planning

The plans become visible, and we implement them according to agreements and objectives. In this phase, our professionalism goes hand in hand with perfectionism and an eye for economic aspects.
04  Follow-up and results
We find it essential to guide you with advice even after the start-up, which forms the foundation for the next step..

Google advertising


  •  Google advertising involves placing paid advertisements on Google's search results pages (Google Search) and websites that are part of the Google Display network (GDN).
  • Advertisers use text ads or image ads and pay Google based on cost per Click (CPC) or per thousand impressions (CPM).
  • The ads are displayed based on keywords that advertisers select. They usually appear at the top or side of search results or on relevant websites within the GDN.



Native advertising

  • Native advertising integrates ads into the content and design of the website or platform on which they are displayed so that they look and feel natural.
  • These ads adapt to the visual and style of the surrounding content, making them less noticeable than traditional ads.
  • Native ads can come in various formats, such as sponsored articles, sponsored videos, in -feed ads on social media, or even sponsored content on new websites.




Main differences

  • Google Advertising focuses on search queries and displays ads in response to specific keywords, while native advertising focuses on integrating ads into the user experience of a website or platform.
  • Google Advertising focuses more on direct response and conversions, while native advertising often focuses on brand awareness and delivering valuable content to the target audience.
  • Google Advertising uses keywords and targeting options to serve ads to people looking for relevant information. At the same time, native advertising tries to cater to users ' interests as they browse the content..
  • Native advertising ensures that more visitors see your ad. Banner blindness is prevented and many ad blockers are bypassed. When your content is relevant and exciting, the landing page  booms the audience more and creates greater engagement than traditional or display ads.

Advertisers may sometimes combine both approaches in their marketing strategy to reach a wider audience and promote direct response and brand visibility, depending on their objectives.

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